


——Ray B.

没有人“打算惹上麻烦”,“但当你发现自己陷入困境时, 你肯定希望欧博平台注册站在你这边. 这个人很了不起. From the very start, he told me exactly what was going to happen, and he was right. 这花了一些时间,但我们付出了努力,并得到了回报. He and his staff were very 响应 in getting in touch with me over the last two years every time there was an update in the case. We succeeded in having 5 misdemeanors wiped from my record as well as the records sealed. 哇! 我无话可说. 我感到很幸运,也松了一口气. 我可以呼吸. 这个人可以做任何他下定决心要做的事. 谢谢你们,丽莎和葛雷格! 祝福你和你的家人.

- C.J.

欧博平台注册 took on my case with confidence and aggressively destroyed the Tehama district attorney. Working with Gregg was an absolute pleasure his knowledge of law and facts were above my expectations. The staff he has are the kindest, nicest, and most professional as anyone could ask for. 处理这个案子的整个经历终于得到了圆满的了结. 谢谢,先生。. 科恩和丽莎,你们是最棒的. 谢谢你的帮助!!!




我在红崖地区的一辆半挂车里收到了罚单. 我联系了欧博平台注册公司的欧博平台注册. 如果你有罚单的话 & 不想再担心结局,不要再往下看.


感谢在与机器的战争中取得的胜利——雷丁,加州红绿灯摄像头. 人类活着就是为了将来的商业驾驶.


这是我见过的最好的律师经历. 很有风度,很有爱心. 肯定会推荐他的服务! Mr. 在我看来,科恩是这个行业里最好的!


我得到了先生. 科恩的法律服务关于一年前的商业交通罚单. 这张罚单应该是一张“修理”轮胎的罚单(30便士).S.I.),由于“雇主责任”卡而写给我的雇主. However, it turned out to be written to me as a misdemeanor Unsafe Vehicle Operation. 我的驾照因为没有出现和没有支付罚款而被吊销了. 我雇佣了. 科恩代表我,他和他的办公室处理了一切. 他能让我的案子被驳回,我所有的罚款/费用都退还给我. 与两位先生的沟通. 科恩 and his office was excellent with both phone calls and emails for any updates on case status. 我强烈建议您联系Mr .. 科恩的任何法律服务. 谢谢科恩律师事务所!!!

——Brian M.

One of the best lawyer in Red bluff CA with adequate knowledge of handling the case do contact his office if you have any traffic citations Lisa is so polite hats off to her for her behavior and follow ups


强烈推荐律师!! 从见到他的第一天起. 科恩,我的案子完全按照他的计划进行. 我被诚实地评估了最好和最坏的情况, and an analysis of what he believed he was capable of doing to sway the proceedings in my favor. 今天是我的最后一次听证会. 发生了什么事(到T). 他的服务价格极其合理, especially considering the quality and attentiveness that was provided at all times, and there were no hidden or surprise charges along our year and a half working together. 通讯一直很好. 在我的案例中,所有的步骤都得到了详尽的解释,我总是觉得自己很灵通. 我再次向任何寻求法律援助的人强烈推荐欧博平台注册律师.

——Dustin K.

欧博平台注册 Law提供了出色的服务! 我们马上就知道他们知道自己在做什么. 他们有丰富的经验,这一点很明显. 他们很有条理,也很乐于助人. 我们很有信心能得到最好的代理. 只要我们有问题,他们就会马上给我们答案. 强烈推荐!


Mr.科恩为我提供了出色的服务,使我的案子被驳回. 我强烈推荐他的服务.


Best attorney he just got my case dismissed I will recommend him any time give him a call very helpful and professional


欧博平台注册毫无疑问是业内最好的. 我真的很感谢Mr. 科恩. 从头到尾,我的经历都是我所能要求的,甚至更多. 当我的案子被撤销时法官真的说我引用一下, “你有世界上最好的律师.“虽然我敢肯定. 科恩 would graciously deny those claims you would be hard pressed to find anyone better suited to defend and represent you. He works closely with a private investigator who is also the best you could ever ask for and the office staff are equally professional and outstanding. 如果我的评分能高于5星,我就会这么做. His experience and expertise are evident the moment you speak with him and the presence is felt even more so in the court room.


Mr. 科恩以高效率和权宜之计处理了我的案子. 我强烈推荐他的服务!


对这个律师事务所非常满意. 这个人很诚实, 对我的担忧迅速作出回应, 我的票得到了积极的结果. 非常酷的家伙...作为一个犯过大错的假释犯, 我被这张罚单吓坏了他处理了, 在一年没有罚单之后, 我的案子被驳回了. 雇佣他.... 他很好.


I was so lucky to have COHEN CRIMINAL LAW and GREG COHEN to represent me and dismiss my traffic ticket at Tehama court. 欧博平台注册是一位诚实的律师. 他不仅会为你的案子而战,还会给你父母般的建议, 谢谢你,我非常感激你的帮助. 谢谢你,感谢你为你的员工所做的工作. 所有的卡车司机如果你需要一个诚实的律师找欧博平台注册.


科恩的支持非常明确, 反应及时,尽管有一些讨论点, 我们必须达成一致,我真的很喜欢和Mr. 欧博平台注册. 谢谢!


他们太棒了. 这个国家的沟通和支持是无与伦比的.


我强烈推荐科恩刑事法律事务所的服务. Mr. 科恩和他的办公室对我们这些犯了法律错误的人来说是一种祝福. 从我最初的咨询到案件的解决. 科恩 was professional, 响应, and never stopped working for the best favorable outcome. 他很容易共事. 他是开放的, 诚实的, 坦率地告诉我如何完成每件事,以及我们将面临的障碍. Mr. 科恩是一个细心的倾听者,陪在我身边,而不是评判我. 他从一开始就给了我一种解脱的感觉. 他的沟通总是很清晰, 简明扼要,确保我理解他的策略, 这是你想要的吗. Mr. 科恩有扎实的法律背景. 他的法律知识无可挑剔. His legal advice was always straight forward and the guidance throughout the entire process was second to none. He continually tried to put my mind at ease through the entire nerve-wracking process. Mr. 科恩彬彬有礼,待人友好,总是及时回答我的询问. God bless him and his law office for all that they do to help those in legal trouble. 我非常感激他们的努力,我真的很感激他为我的案子所做的一切. 谢谢你,欧博平台注册.


我雇佣了. 库塞拉的科恩 & 科恩律师事务所. Mr. 科恩在我的病例中得到了阳性结果,对此我非常感激. He and his team were very professional and handled everything in a timely manner keeping me informed throughout the process. 还花时间亲自打电话通知我结果. 他们还以书面形式解释了所有相关细节. 我会推荐他们公司,并会毫不犹豫地再次与他们合作.


我很高兴能得到Mr. 科恩作为律师, 因为他非常乐于助人, 处理好所有细节, 结果我的案子被驳回了. 罚单本身可能会带来一些可怕的后果. 科恩 was able to work his magic and get the best deal possible -- the ticket being removed entirely. 我推荐先生。. 如果你发现自己遇到了一点麻烦,请向任何人道歉.


Mr. 科恩让我得到了我想要的结果,甚至更多! 我强烈推荐他给那些感到困惑和不知道该怎么做的人. 他把我引导得很好!


我在疫情期间收到了一张交通罚单,他帮了我. 他是一个很好的律师. 他会听你的,而且非常专业. If you have any doubts, he always answers the phone, I recommend him without a doubt.


他从第一天起就很专业. 他总是接我的电话,回答我的每一个问题. 我的经历是最好的,我向任何人推荐他.


老实说,我甚至不知道从哪里开始对这些人进行评价. I have had more than my fair share of legal issues in my years but I have never encountered someone who cared so much and worked so hard for me even long after his obligations were met. 我甚至不住在加州. 我去拜访的时候发现自己酒后驾车. I found Gregg online and after interviewing several lawyers via phone I was confident Greg was the best choice due to his demeanor and experience as a prosecutor in the area. He even helped me get an amendment to the court order free of charge after the case was closed which helped me get past the CA conditions preventing me from getting my license back. 如果你想找一个聪明又勤奋的人,那就给他打电话吧. 你很快就会发现他就是你的真命天子!


我困惑地来到欧博平台注册的律师事务所, without support and with a lawyer that I hired prior to him who did nothing for me. I obtained Gregg to represent me in a legal matter that needed attention and resolution and he was able to get that for me within weeks, 经过一段艰苦的, 冗长的, 差不多一年了,我之前的律师都没有行动! 葛雷格很勤奋, 响应, 灵活的, extremely professional and demonstrated a great sense of knowledge in the court/legal system. If you are looking for quality legal services, Gregg is the individual you want to talk to! 毫无疑问,这是最好的代表之一. 我会向任何有需要的人推荐他的服务!


毫无疑问,这是我在律师生涯中最好的经历. 我请了另一位律师来处理我的案子,但他没有出现. Mr. 科恩 took great care with my case every step of the way and contacted me frequently to update me on what was happening and made sure I understood. I live all the way on the East Coast and felt very lost and searched through ten lawyers before I found Mr. 科恩. He listened to everything I asked and provided very detailed emails and in the end was able to get me the results I wanted! 他很容易交谈,会让你感到很舒服. I could not be happier and only wish I could use his services all over the United States. 五星是因为我打不出10分!


我现在在俄勒冈州的波特兰市,我最近需要找一位先生. 科恩在加州的一件事上代表我出庭. 我很高兴我选择了他来代表我. He was on my side the whole way and spent a lot of time defending me and working hard to get the outcome that worked best for me. 希望, I will never need an attorney again but If I do I will call him first and I will definitely recommend him to anyone who is in need of a lawyer in Northern California.

——Jared H.
